Guys cry because...
1. Girls screw them over...
2. They just got hit in the balls...
3. They're about to die...
4. Their heart is broken..
5. They smoked a lot of weed...
6. Because they are true men.
GIRLS:If you see a guy crying, hug him close and hold him up as he
gets over the pain of getting kicked in the nuts. Tell him he's not going
to die, and if he's crying over a girl... hug him and kiss him and let
him know you won't screw him over and break his heart like the last
girl did.(when do i tell him this? while we going out or what?) Guys just want to know that girls will be there for them to support them when they need them,and help them get their mind off the pain of heartbreak, getting kicked in the balls, and knowing they're gonna die.
Girls cry because...
1. They're sad...
2. They're scared...
3. They're nervous...
4. They're frustrated...
5. They're missing someone...
6. They're alone...
7. They're PMSing...
8. They're pregnant..
9. Their heart is broken...
10. They're in love...
11. Their souls have been torn...
13. They fell in love with a boy...
14. They hurt so bad inside...
15. They're mad...
16. Something bad happend...
BOYS:If any girl you know is crying and you see them, don't just stand
there and say you're sorry.
Hold them and tell them everything will be okay, even if you have no
idea what is wrong with them.
Girls just want to be held and know that someone cares about them.
I cry when...
1.Watching those Naija movies
2.Watching Vicky show Rodgers how to write his name
3.Watching Jeddah try to make a point in a discussion
4.When i think about Perfect Stranger
5.Looking at my mum tryina read an sms in her phone,i think she's gonna have problems with her eyes
6.Watching The Bold and the Beautiful
7....i'm happy...
When do you cry?
I cry when...hold up. can't remember crying in a very long time. I can get very emotional, sniff a bit, but outright cry..HELL to the fcuking NO!lol!
you said it all. most of it is true for me anyway. does that make me a cry baby.
crying is for girls(lol) am a manly man
but seriously there is nothing wrong with crying
I can't really sit or stand anywhere crying
I, like most men think logically
and crying don't solve anything
Most of what you said are true for me
I'm a cry baby
hey pple,blogville idol is finally coming to an end...we have two contestants left and they have sung their songs,pls go to out page and listen to them via our voice player and vote for them on d vote poll..pls leave us a comment too...tank u for ur support thru out the contest
@Ugo where do i leave comments on your blog now? seem like
@D.O.G...if you take it that way i'll tell you girls cry it all out bcoz we are strong,and you men bury it all inside bcoz you are weak!
@dolly...**sniff,sniff** toooo!
sometimes I just cry for the sake of it...I cary when I remember some stuffs from d past
u know what u wrote about d girls...very true
@sparkle...i feel you girl.we cry for dfrent reasons.And still come back to reality at the end of the day.Thanx for stopping by..
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