They day started out so well. We were at my aunt's house in Gwest. All of us. In fact 6 of us- cousins. We lost two cousins, G and her sister K along the way, after G and i had a very steamy argument. Sis G have been sleeping with the father of her kid while they've long gone separate ways. This drove us all crazy. People didnt wanna talk to her about it. I even asked her blood sister K, what the reason could be, for G to be stooping so low to let somebody violate her like that. Nobody knew. But that night i decided, that was enough!
I donno how and when G and P started going out. Not that i cared anyway. P is twice G's age plus more(which doesn't matter). The relationship resulted in a little cute girl called Carsandra ( Kaz in short). I remember on Kaz's 1st birthday party, i came to know P one on one. He was okay to me, but then there was something about him that was kinda weird. I couldn't put a finger on it, i developed hatred for this guy. I didnt tell G then, but his sight made me sick. The day he totaly pissed me off was when he told me that he was sexually attracted to me! Can you just imagine? I've always known there was something weird about this guy! Mxem! Nonsense!. Ehee! Now that gave me the gate pass to tell G to drop him. But did she? Let alone believe me? No!
Now on that particular night of the party, we were having fun you know? Like real fun. The music, the crowd, the weather that night, was just perfect. As if its a norm, guys will always lurk around to maybe try and catch what? The fattest worm? Maybe, but i was really happy when i saw a coloured guy talking to G. I was like, 'yeah, at least now she'll let go of that swine and try and get on with her life'. Ha! You guys donno anything oooo!
When later i asked her,
'' So how did it go?''
''How did what go?''
''You and the coloured guy now?''
''Jay, i love P!''
''Ha! Gosego, when are you gonna let go of that guy and get a life? You talking about the same guy who wanted to sleep with me dammnit!''. She started sobbing and people came around us. They said it wasn't me talking. That i was tipsy, but i swear i wasn't. I had always wanted a chance to talk some 'sense' into this girl.
''But he's the father of my baby''
''Was it a crime? Who toldu that having a baby with somebody meant the two of you shud stick together? Even when he's bullshiting around like he's doing right now?. Look G, remeber when i toldu Kab invited me to a friend's birthday bbq? At P's house? Some girl came over, and later Kab told me that, that was his girlfriend. And what about the messages you always read on his phone? From many different women? Geeee! girl when are you gonna really see this guy for what he is? He doesn't deserve you, you know?''
..she was crying now..
''I don't care whether you are gonna cry your eyes out the whole night, but i really hate P Gosego, and i don't think he's right for you. When i saw you talking to that guy(the coloured guy) my heart beat with joy, you know? Like its high time you hooked up with somebody you know?''
''Jayn, you and i are two very different people. It was easy for you to let go, but i cant.''
''Ha! You know what else P told me? That every time i go home i should let him know, coz as you obviously know, he runs his business that side, he said we should hook up and go out for some drinks together. Don't you think if he can ask that of me, he's doing it with other women there? You know Rogy( my ex) used to want the same thing from me, just bcoz we share kids, but i never allowed him get that. Why are you doing this to yourself? P will never look at you again, as the woman he fell in love with you know? He'll just use you to satisfy his sexual needs, not anything else.''
''But he helps me with the baby''
''Thats HIS responsibility Gosego. Don't forget that-''
Just at that moment G's sister K approached us and bathed G with ermmm...whatever she was drinkin' i dont remember what it was..!
Blogvillagers, why do women allow themselves to be used like that? Why do we go back to sleeping with our ex's? Is it just for the sake of it? Or that we miss what we used to know? Or that we are lonely? Or what?
G's story continues to Faith's 22nd birthday which came in the weekend that followed. Stay tuned...
Well, who do we have here? Faith neh? eish mona
so glad u're back. now i c what u've bn up to.
It's a good question u asked and I don't have an answer 4 u. wish i did. I think we all just yearn for the similar things.
I know a lot of women like G. Like my mother always told me...once you've had enough, you'll know.
Yippe, she's back!
you had maaaaaaaad fun.
welcome back.
this parry looked kind fab. Sleepig with ex though a mistake, shd make the lady wiser ans smart after the did is done but if not, she needs to see a shrink.
welcome back babe!! btw, i need to hook up with one of your cousins mehn!! lmao!
welcome back dear
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