Thursday, September 14, 2006

Behind that smile...

I donno if i'm the one who said it or its just slipped from my mouth.My mum told me i came around good one coz Vicky came at 5am herself...the best xmas present i ever got!

Am telling you everytime i'm around some people,friends or family,i try by all means to put up a smile like that,but deep down i'll know it takes all my strength to stretch those muscles around my mouth.I live my days knowing that behind that smile lies the true colours of who i really am.No one,not a single person can change that and no matter how much i'll try to make people see the real person in me,i'll always feel the way i feel,will always live the way i live,will always see sun rise and sun set the same way.God too can also be tired of people doing things that are outta the way and coming back to ask for forgiveness from Him.How many times will He forgive those kinda people?

Behind that smile...lies a dangerous person,in mind, body and soul.She's trying so hard to be the person she wanna be,without jumping to any conclusions,without skipping any line,without counting any chicks b4 they hatch,without saying right is wrong with no proof.I dont wanna say i'll cross the bridge when i get there,i wanna know from now and from here how the road is like to the bridge.

The best advice i ever got from my mum is ''keep smiling even when the going gets tough'' far**sigh**it has helped...!

'If you can't fly,run.If you can't run,walk.If you can't walk,crawl.Do anything you wanna do,but in everything you do...keep moving' (Martin Luther King Jnr-slain US human rights activist)

He had a dream,thats why he said that.I have a dream too..and my dream is never to hear somebody say to me 'mum,why did you bring me here?'...and am gonna make show i don't live to ever hear help me God..!!

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