stop telling people how they should live their lives by asking them personal questions like when are you buying a car , buying a house, when are you getting married, when are you having a child etc.
stop asking people questions they don't have answers for, it exposes your level of maturity and intelligence e.g. why do you have skin rashes, have gained or lost weight etc.
if something is not your business stay out of it unless you are asked for advise.
it is normal to gossip but please don't make it a habit, rather turn your gossiping skills into something positive.
nobody is perfect; we all have our weaknesses, so stop complaining or criticising other people, because they also feel the same about you. it is just that they are emotionally matured and accept you the way you are.
compliment a person if she looks nice instead of asking what is the occasion
try to associate with positive people and avoid negative people who always try to bring you down
if a person tells you something confidential or personal stop discussing it with other people, it exposes your level of maturity
learn to think before you talk
with luv