Monday, May 30, 2011

The Beginning Of The End

It's been one hell of a roller-coaster. A wonderful life i have lived. Most of which i now regret. But its in the past now. And it should stay right there. In the past. Mistakes are meant to make us right? Not break us. So i've been made anew.

-No more partying, clubbing,going out.
-No more spree drinking with colleagues, friends, cousins.
-No more talking dirty talk.
-No more sitting at home, watching nothing on t.v.
-No more doing what i used to do.
-No more making decisions on my own.
-No more thinking that everything is all about me.
-I am done!

Blogville!, am moving now, moving to where i should have been all this time, moving to where God had always wanted me to be. I've learnt more than i've ever thought i'll learn. That everything i see around me is nothing! Nothing at all! I've learnt that i don't control my life, that somebody else does. It's only now that i realise why i had to go through all that i went through. And i'm grateful. Because now i know. I know why?

Everybody is disappoined that i dont associate with them, the way i used to. Well i dont blame them. Because I know why. It shall be well with them, because they'll also come to know why. Thank you everyone. Thank you for being there when i needed you most. Take care and God bless!


eloquence of expression said...

...Hei Jayne.

Afrobabe said...

Just when I was planning to plan a trip!!!