I know that everybody enjoyed their past year to the fullest. Well i did too, up until the 25th of December, xmas day. That was supposed to be Vicky's big day, but in the early hours of that morning, my best friend Tia passed away after giving birth to a baby boy. God! The doctors had told her not to fall pregnant that soon! When i asked her why she did that, she said it just happened. So now it has happened with her life!
I moved Vicky's birthday to the 1st of January, and it took me a lot of explaining to do to get her understand that i had to see Tia to her resting place.. Tia was laid to rest on the 31st of December and that night i slept around 10pm.

I miss her. I'm still mourning her. May her soul R.I.P.

Trying so hard to keep my mind at ease, the next morning of the 1st Jan, i took the kids to the salon for their hair. Started with the boys having a hair cut...

...and Vicky doing a simple pineapple.

She went crazy with a number 9balloon..

Yah i know, the cake was big enuff for the whole of Blogville, but you guys went home too, so i had to call the neighbouring kids...

She really felt like princess on her day..she deserved it!

The other kids made it more special too. I wanted to also take the 3 of them to a local swimming pool, but all thru festive, it had been raining cats and dogs back home. They were looking forward to it. Well..doesn't matter, will do it sometime.
I hope you guys did enjoy your festive and came back wholely. I'm fine myself. Will be fine. Compliments of the new year Blogville!! See you all around.